
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Where the hell is MRS Makeup??

Its been months since my last entry. My life had suddenly become somewhat of a blur. After years of propelling myself forward doing makeup at shows and videos, writing,  going to school, working nights, to fuel my passion during the day...I felt a strong urge to take a step back. What I loved had became a  job. A job where I was overworked, underpaid and felt under valued. Worst was, it was starting to show!

Have you ever seen a hairstylist, or an makeup artist that has worked all day at the salon?  Most wear no makeup, have no time to do their spruce themselves up and look like hell! Why?  Because they had worked all day to make you fabulous! It was imperative that I to...just live! Not only did I want my fabulous self back, but I wanted to fall in love with myself and my craft again. And that's exactly what I have done...

My clientele no longer  consist of only women but men as well! I have grown as a makeup artist, and now as a photographer and editor.   I work out of an amazing studio, and have an extraordinary management team to stir me in the right direction.

Sometimes you have to take a step back to look forward. Sometimes you need silence to hear the noise. Loving your craft is like tunnel vision. All you see is your goal. Yes it does get you closer to your dream, but sometimes, like the great Van Gogh said: "I put my heart and soul into my work, and lost my mind in the process". It is easy to become obsessed with your goal,  to the point of forgetingt your surroundings. You lose sleep, fail to enjoy life, and cease taking care of yourself, because your obsessed with becoming the best.

On my quest to find myself, I have been blessed to gain hands on experience studying  the beauty industry and am building my resume as a business professional, working for one of the biggest beauty corporations. All of this without conforming to stuffy suits, sitting behind a desk..while wondering how to hide the blue streaks in my hair and covering my tattoos. This unique opportunity has opened my eyes to a whole new world.   I can ones again see myself as an artist and appreciate the uniqueness that is me.

I thought, that my blog views would dwindle when I stopped writing. I thought people would stop calling when I slowed down on  working. But instead, my phone has not  stopped ringing, and the views of my diary are still rising. I would like to say thank you to the 20,000 for reading my diary and thos who have afford constant support.

Did I stop working my butt off? Did I stop doing makeup???? Hell no! But I have learned to work smarter, not harder. I find time to enjoy myself and the ones dear to me. Taking it one day at a time, while looking and feeling fabulous. 

Look out for more of Mrs Makeup, this diary is not over yet.