
Friday, August 9, 2013

Carnival Rap-up 2013

Caribana,  now better known as The Scotia Bank Carnival is one of the hottest events to hit Toronto in the summer. For the 3rd year in a row, I was more than happy to be part of this years festivities.

It all started with the Kiddies Carnival. This had to be one of my favorite events thus far. Mini revellers as young as three, came dressed in their costume ready to hit the road. My tent was filled with little people sporting giant head pieces ready to get their faces painted.

   This years winner was Toronto Revellers Once upon a time.. They're costumes where fairy tale inspired, one including Jack and the Bean Stalk. Check out these cute little bean stalks, aren't they adorable??

Next up was the King and Queen Competition, where all the Mas Bands compete for title of King and Queen of the Band. I was honoured to be chosen as part of the Toronto Revellers Mas Camp lead by Basketball Veteran and Toronto's own Jamaal Magloire.

  I had the chance to work sided by side with award winning designer Brian MacFarlane, who designed all of the revellers costumes this year.

Jamaal Magloire
me and Brian MacFarlane


The icing on the cake were the parade activities on Lakeshore Boulevard. The Scotia Bank Carnival starting early Saterday August 2nd. The revellers came together bright and early, making  9AM feel like 12AM on a club night.

As music blared through speakers of the floats setting up, I had very little time to take in the many costumes as my Toronto Revellers mascaraders  flooded the tent.

 Although I did not see the parade, I had a great time meeting  people from all over the world.
I would like to thank Jamal Maglore , his family and the Toronto Revelers for giving me the opportunity to work with them. A special thank you goes out to my sponsors Fufutel, Bell AutoA.M.A. events Front Page management,  and Strong Arm Ent.

Last but not least, my deepest condolences to the family of Rueshad Grant, who died during this seasons festivities. May his soul rest in peace

Rueshad Grant

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Where the hell is MRS Makeup??

Its been months since my last entry. My life had suddenly become somewhat of a blur. After years of propelling myself forward doing makeup at shows and videos, writing,  going to school, working nights, to fuel my passion during the day...I felt a strong urge to take a step back. What I loved had became a  job. A job where I was overworked, underpaid and felt under valued. Worst was, it was starting to show!

Have you ever seen a hairstylist, or an makeup artist that has worked all day at the salon?  Most wear no makeup, have no time to do their spruce themselves up and look like hell! Why?  Because they had worked all day to make you fabulous! It was imperative that I to...just live! Not only did I want my fabulous self back, but I wanted to fall in love with myself and my craft again. And that's exactly what I have done...

My clientele no longer  consist of only women but men as well! I have grown as a makeup artist, and now as a photographer and editor.   I work out of an amazing studio, and have an extraordinary management team to stir me in the right direction.

Sometimes you have to take a step back to look forward. Sometimes you need silence to hear the noise. Loving your craft is like tunnel vision. All you see is your goal. Yes it does get you closer to your dream, but sometimes, like the great Van Gogh said: "I put my heart and soul into my work, and lost my mind in the process". It is easy to become obsessed with your goal,  to the point of forgetingt your surroundings. You lose sleep, fail to enjoy life, and cease taking care of yourself, because your obsessed with becoming the best.

On my quest to find myself, I have been blessed to gain hands on experience studying  the beauty industry and am building my resume as a business professional, working for one of the biggest beauty corporations. All of this without conforming to stuffy suits, sitting behind a desk..while wondering how to hide the blue streaks in my hair and covering my tattoos. This unique opportunity has opened my eyes to a whole new world.   I can ones again see myself as an artist and appreciate the uniqueness that is me.

I thought, that my blog views would dwindle when I stopped writing. I thought people would stop calling when I slowed down on  working. But instead, my phone has not  stopped ringing, and the views of my diary are still rising. I would like to say thank you to the 20,000 for reading my diary and thos who have afford constant support.

Did I stop working my butt off? Did I stop doing makeup???? Hell no! But I have learned to work smarter, not harder. I find time to enjoy myself and the ones dear to me. Taking it one day at a time, while looking and feeling fabulous. 

Look out for more of Mrs Makeup, this diary is not over yet.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Kids Parties!

Its been a busy start to the new year. Im glad to announce that the Mrs Makeup website is back up. And this year its all about photography and kids parties! Since I have already helped raise money at school fundraisers, I thought it would be a great idea to host kids parties too. Now im making special appearances at birthday parties accross the G.T.A, entertaining the little ones.

From butterfly's to Spiderman and special request Nikki Minaj inspirations, the kids loved getting there face painted. I have also enlisted the help of my baker, photographer, and event decor friends to, offer parents a little something extra. This is an exciting new venture! If your celebrating a birthday, Mrs Makeup loves the kids! Here is a special deal for you!

And make sure go to for more info!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

16000 Thank you`s

I thank all of you, who have followed this diary from its first entry, and have witnessed my growth one blog at a time.  I am absolutely flattered that this blog has been viewed over 16000 times! From the start of this blog to date, there has been a steady increase of great jobs coming my way. I hope that my diary helps to inspire many talented and gifted people to strive and be the best that they can be.
There is a saying that Americans have, that states " Ones you can make it in New York, you can make it anywhere". But I honestly believe that ones you make it in Toronto, You can make it anywhere. Toronto is one of the hardest towns to make it big. This city is full of unrecognized talent, waiting for their chance to shine. No matter where you are in Toronto, you will find someone working on perfecting their craft. There are so many people waiting to catch their big break, who really deserve a shot at living the dream. Toronto's talent has no boundaries, and I feel blessed to live amongst such a wide variety of beautiful and talented people.

This year couldn’t be possible without some very special people. A special thank you goes out to Alter Ego Clothing, rapper Peter Jackson, Millionaire Lifestyle Clothing, Blandine Music, Chacha Cosmetics, Higrade Global, Jennifer Conley Photography, Shay Styles makeup artistry, Courtney Nicole Photography, Exquisite Lenz,  Sunset Productions, Ghanas Most Beautiful, Tosin Photography , Director G-Dot Solo, Nikki Clarke, Rapper K-Fresh, Baby Ghryme, Toronto Dymez, Strong Arm Entertainment, My friends, Family and the numerous gorgeous people who have posed for my camera. Thank you for inviting me on your journey as well as helping me on mine.

Who knows where this road may take me but looking back it was an amazing ride.
As the author of  TheDiaryOfMrsMaKeup and TheMiseductationOfMrs  I wish all of you a happy and prosperous New Year. May all your dreams come true.

Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe. 
~ Gaile Devers

Thursday, August 23, 2012

A VISION in Progress : VIP

People always ask me..are you Jamaican, or African?  Truth is, I have never been to either places. But this dutch girl has  been lucky to have surrounded herself with enough of both cultures. to blend right in. The most exciting thing about being a makeup artist, is that you never know where it might take you.  And for me it seems like it always pulls me back to the roots of Africa.

An Africans walk, speech and wardrobe is as colorful as its native tongue.The African culture is unique in the sense that its people bring a piece of home wherever they go.  I have sponsored two of the biggest African pageants in Toronto: Ghana's most beautiful,  and the Miss Africanada pageant. Until you have witnessed it for yourself, it is hard to put in words the essence of pride and beauty that is Africa.

Those who know me personally,  can guarentee that this girl can knock back a couple pounds of Fufu. But I have never before heard of this new genre of music called HipLife. When I researched the topic I found that it is not just music but a way of life. Just like reggea, dance, and hip hop its in a class of its own.

VIP is one of HipLife's biggest groups to date. Promzy, Louzy and Prodical combined have garnered a millions of  views on their YouTube videos. Together they are constantly on tour, performing at sold out shows world wide. As well as constantly finding ways to mix music with charity.
VIP giving back to the community of Nima

So while they were in Canada they teamed up with Sunset Productions, a steadily growing production team catering to the African community, who's past artist include Sarkodie and Atumpan.

Working with V.I.P was an experience to say the least. These guys traveled like real stars, Louboutins and Louise Vuitton suitcases lined the back of the car as they came to do a quick video before jetting off to their next destination. And although their clothes reeked of prestige, these boys were actually quite humble. Lazzy funny and outspoken, Promzy  friendly and polite, and Prodical who was the quitest of all. They even kept their cool when some of the models showed up more then 2 hours unfashionably late! Thank goodness for Miss tiffy Bling who came on set dressed to impress and ready to perform as necessary.

It was a simple shoot with a little green screen and outdoor action. When it was all over I couldn't help but ask the boys to pose for me. Check it out!

Special thanks goes out to Sunset Productions for always hiring Mrs Makeup as part of their team. And to all of you with special talents, take an example out of VIPs page and see how you can give back to your community too.

I would love to connect with makeup artist around the world! Follow the new twitter @Mrs_Makeup For questions or bookings email

Monday, July 9, 2012

Industry tips that might save your life.

 I interrupt the usual community news and highlights to give you some useful insight.

 If you have watched the news, you might have seen the story on wanna-be model Lucas Mignotta who killed a man and mailed his body parts out.  Or remember model Amaima Airee Nelson who killed and ate her husband. The world is getting crazier,  and striking closer and closer to home. Stories of photographers that rape naive models can be found all over the web. Most recently, an associate of mine got stabbed in an attempted robbery.  These and other developments have, inspired me to give you some advice on the industry as I know it.

Although cannibals and murderers within the entertainment field are far in between, certain dangers are ever to present. If you dont have the slightes business savy, you can easily be taken advantage off.  What would you do if a photographer touches you inappropriately? Or you do a job and people don't pay? It is with trial and error that I have learned the most valuable lessons, when it comes to business in the entertainment industry.  Whether your a MUA, photographer, artist or videographer, there will always come a time where you will work with some unproffesional, professionals. It is important to beware of dangers and issues that can arise at anytime.

Here are 5 essential tips that can help you not only ensure you get payed, but may also potentially save your life.

The Un-Googable:

You have been invited to a video shoot or photo shoot. Who are the people involved? As I always say: Are you Googable?  Do they have any proof of work they have done. If they don't have at least a Youtube page,  FB fan page or a  website, then be very skeptical. Never be afraid to ask questions: who is the artist, model, videographer, or other people involved? Then Google them too. It is important to know who your working with before you meet them. Be very weary of sites such a Kijiji and Craigslist, or ads that offer little information. Always find out as much as possible. Know who your working with before you meet. 

Where am I meeting you?

Now that you have decided to go to a shoot. Make sure to get all the details. Unless you are doing a scene in a parking lot...``meet me in the plaza parking lot`` when your suppose to be working in a studio, might sounds suspicious because it is. Get a legitimate address, and look it up on Google maps.  Google street view gives you a great real life view of the location and surroundings . If the location seems a little shady, most likely it is.  Sometime there are photographers who don't want you to bring an extra person. This could be because the space he/she is using might be extra small, especially when other crew members are involved i.e. makeup artist , stylists, hairstylist. Make sure someone knows exactly where you are at all times.  And if you get there and don't feel comfortable...LEAVE!!. It is not the end of the world, or the end of your career. Follow your intuition, because its always right!

Whats the theme of the day?

Whether its music or photography, every project has a theme. Its good to fine out what the story is behind the shoot. What will you be wearing, what will you be doing?  Ask for a video treatment or a written outline of what will be happening for the day. Make sure you have a clear overview of what is going to take place. Go through all the details so you know what you are getting into. If you get on location and are asked to wear less or do more then what your suppose to, its OK to refuse. If you are told you were doing a head shot, and then asked to remove unnecessary articles of clothing, then its best to head to the nearest exit. Never do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.

The space invader:

Every one has their level of comfort. A Photographer is allowed to tell you to fix a bra strap, but putting his hands on your butt and helping with a wedgy is definitely an  invasion of space. If someone is getting to close for comfort, let them know, firmly and immediately that their actions are unacceptable. I have heard models speak of photographers inappropriate touches. Yes there are situations where touching might be in order. Like fixing hair or an ashy back that needs more then its fair share of lotion. If your the one behind the camera, then always ask if its OK to touch, however minor. Never make a person feel uncomfortable being in your presence. If your a model and you feel uncomfortable SPEAK UP. Tell the person running the shoot, or let other staff members know. They are usually closest to the producer or photographer and can help you voice your opinion if your afraid to say anything.

Sign on the doted line:

No matter what part of the biz your in, cancellations do occur. I have learned the hard way that contracts and/or deposits are in order. When you schedule an appointment to service a client, you might refuse other jobs to accommodate that client. Get a deposit to hold that spot. You can choose to hold it for their next appointment or use it as a cancellation fee.  If they are serious about hiring you, they will pay the fee.  Make sure there is a written  agreement, between both parties involved on paper or worse case scenario through email. At least there is a paper trail encase you need to take legal action. Some people work of Grants. Unlike regular funding, in entertainment  the payment is usually received when the project is complete. Whether you choose to wait for the grant is completely up to you. But coming from experience these things take a very long time. There is nothing more annoying then having to chase people down for your pay. I myself am still waiting on few for my loot. I know now to walk with my contract in hand, or email a copy for them to print, sign and hand over upon meeting. Get half of your cash in advanced, then ensure to establish a deadline for the rest of the payment, If they can afford a pizza party for 12 they can afford to pay your deposit fee.   Leave a paper trail, by mailing a receipt, and make sure that it clearly states what balance is outstanding. If you want to add a late fee go ahead, after all you deserve to get paid.  If your a model and sign a release form, know that your allowing those nude photos you took, to show up anywhere.  Imagine that photo, popping up on your bosses laptop!

In this industry, you wont make it if you don't take risks. You have to be brave enough to put yourself out there,  meet new people and go places you have never gone before. Sometimes you have to grant favors, to establish trust amongst you peers. But don't be afraid to put your foot down when it comes to whats most important: YOU.
Ask yourself: Is it worth the time? Will doing this gig help build my portfolio? A newcomer in entertainment cant expect to work with top celebrities right away. As a newbie be prepared to do allot of free labor. Just make sure every move you make worth your time and effort.
Its OK to let people know what you expect from them, what they are doing wrong, or most importantly to say NO if that's  how you feel. Make sure they understand your time is valuable, time means money and you mean business.  These are valuable lesson you learn, sadly for me through trial and error.  I hope this advice will help you in your journey. Be safe, be wise, and never give up till you reach the top. 

Love MRS

  Next blog, its back to regular programming giving you an African Flavor and a graphic designer making waves. Stay tuned

Friday, June 29, 2012

Jack of all trades and master of some..

You might be wondering where I've been so long. But with school and a thriving business, it sometimes gets hard to keep up. It has been a colorful ride thus far. Many exciting changes have occurred.  Remember when I stated my interest in photography? My work has swiftly picked up, and with my makeup expertise I have been able to offer some special deals for my new and existing clients. Here are some of my favorite photos thus far:

There are many people that if you let them, can discourage you from your dreams and ideas. There's an old saying "Jack of old Trades, Master of none". But if you have more then one great talent , why settle for just that one? Many people go through life in jobs where they feel unhappy, often dreaming of the things they should have done. Can a doctor who has an amazing painting ability not sell fabulous paintings? Don't go through life wondering what you could have done but like Nike says "just do it!". Become a Jack of all trades, and master more then one. If it doesn't work out, saying that you've done it will be your biggest reward.
How does this relate to makeup? Think of life as a makeup pallet.  Some people like plain colors, while others like using multiple shades. Sometimes you find shades that don't suit you. It doesn't mean that you shouldn't wear makeup.  You just have to keep trying until you find a shade(s) that fits. I found 3 shades, how many can you find?

Love MRS