
Friday, June 29, 2012

Jack of all trades and master of some..

You might be wondering where I've been so long. But with school and a thriving business, it sometimes gets hard to keep up. It has been a colorful ride thus far. Many exciting changes have occurred.  Remember when I stated my interest in photography? My work has swiftly picked up, and with my makeup expertise I have been able to offer some special deals for my new and existing clients. Here are some of my favorite photos thus far:

There are many people that if you let them, can discourage you from your dreams and ideas. There's an old saying "Jack of old Trades, Master of none". But if you have more then one great talent , why settle for just that one? Many people go through life in jobs where they feel unhappy, often dreaming of the things they should have done. Can a doctor who has an amazing painting ability not sell fabulous paintings? Don't go through life wondering what you could have done but like Nike says "just do it!". Become a Jack of all trades, and master more then one. If it doesn't work out, saying that you've done it will be your biggest reward.
How does this relate to makeup? Think of life as a makeup pallet.  Some people like plain colors, while others like using multiple shades. Sometimes you find shades that don't suit you. It doesn't mean that you shouldn't wear makeup.  You just have to keep trying until you find a shade(s) that fits. I found 3 shades, how many can you find?

Love MRS